**Please consider using Microsoft Edge for browser gameplay. Chrome does NOT often work properly. For the best experience, please DOWNLOAD. Thank you!**

This is my 3D platformer project.


1. Designed a unique level

2. Developed a short story to give the player some context

3. Redesigned  main menu page

4. Added score pickup script to key gameObjects (each key is worth 50pts)

5. Adjusted enemy initial health levels


Level Design by:

Micah Morgan

Written by:

Micah Morgan

Created with Unity Assets from:

Michigan State University

Cobble Games

Ethan Taylor

Adam Moser


Windows.zip 195 MB
MacOS.zip 205 MB

Install instructions

**Please consider using Microsoft Edge for browser gameplay. Chrome does NOT often work properly. For the best experience, please DOWNLOAD. Thank you!**

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